The Locker of Memory project is dedicated to honoring the victims and survivors of the Jungfernhof concentration camp, who were forced to leave their homes, to be separated from family and
loved ones, and to endure the darkest period of human history… often alone.
We begin our story here, with living survivors.
Names of Eight Living Survivors,
with us at the start of the project
Salomon Peter Carlebach (August 17,1925-July 21, 2022), Hamburg (New York, NY and Lakewood NJ/US)
Salomon Carlebach Testimony (2012) USC Shoah Foundation
May His Memory Be a Blessing
Fanny Dominitz-Englard (1925—February 26, 2022), Hamburg (Tel Aviv, IS)
Fanny Englard (1925-2022)
May Her Memory Be a Blessing
Manfred Siegmund Leser (1927- ), Hamburg, DE (spends winters in Florida, US)
Fred Leser, Taken from Stiftung Hamburger Gedenkstätten und Lernorte zur Erinnerung an die Opfer der NS-Verbrechen
Herbert Mai (1929- April 19, 2024) Würzburg (Boynton Beach, Florida, US)
Herbert was one of two boys, who were Bar Mitzvahed at the camp. Please look for
interviews with Herbert on this website. May his memory be a blessing.
The Deportation of the Jews of Würzburg to the East: Herbert Mai and Fred Zeilberger (2011) Yad Vashem
Hanneliese Reinauer-Wandersmann (1928- ), Nuremberg (Bayreuth, DE)
Peter Stern (1936- ), Nuremberg (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US)
Samuel Stern (1939-May 28, 2023), Nuremberg (Needham, Massachusetts, US)
Sam Stern (1939-2023)
May his memory be a blessing
Fred Zeilberger (1929- ), Würzburg (Cedarhurst, New York, US)
Listing of Survivors’ Names,
Place of Birth, and Testimonial Evidence
First Name Last Name Place of Birth Testimony
Siegfried Adler Laudenbach
Karl Bandler
Henry Behrens Würzburg
Lotti Bernstein Coburg
Anna Böhmerwald Vienna
Hans Böhmerwald Vienna
Alice Borg Kusel
Friederike Bottwin Vienna
Jenny Cahn Adlesdorf
Salomon Carlebach Altona
Julius Ceslanski Wilna
Auguste Dellheim Haigerloch
Fanny Dominitz Köln
Wolf L. Drimer Vienna
Eleonore Düring Köln
Moritz Eichberg Hengstfeld
Kurt Einstein Stuttgard
Rosa Eisler Vienna
Dr. Ludwig Elsas Ludwigsburg
Ingrid Emanuel Hamburg
Margarete Emanuel Hamburg
Betty Essinger Wasseralfingen
Rose Eulinger Reutlingen
Siegfried Fisch Lübeck
Robert Fischer Vienna
Richard Fleischer Göppingen
Käthe Frieß Stettin
Lothar Geissenberger Stuttgart
Hans Guggenheim Stuttgart
Gertrud Gumberich Koblenz
Dorothea Gundelfinger Michelbach
Gertrud Günther Wilhermsdorf
Ludwig Gutmann Schwanfeld
Adolf Guttmann Vienna
Ernst Haas Neumarkt
Otto Hahn Prichsenstadt
Bettina Halle Nürnberg
Rosalie Hansen Altona
Feige Harms Mosciska
Natalie Heimann Posen
Amalie Hermann Wonfurt
Henriette Herz Hennef
Sigmund Hinlein Mainbernheim
Wolf Hirsch Kiel
Charlotte Hochberg Vienna
Carola Israel Hamburg
Margot Israel Hamburg
Margarete Jacobsohn Prenzlau
Richard Jaschek Lübeck
Henriette Jünger Stuttgart
Arno Kahn Nürnberg
Hannelore Kahn Stuttgart
Harry Kahn Baisingen
Elisabeth Kaplan Mogilew
Rita Kaplan Hamburg
Julius Katz Wilna
Mascha Katz Wilna
Siegfried Katz Vienna
Josef Katzenfuß Lübeck
Rose Kaufmann Mainberheim
Erika Kendziorek Stargard
Inge Kendziorek Stettin
Kurt Kendziorek Neustadt
Albert Kimmelstiel Forth
Anna Kohn Bamberg
Berthold Kohn Hamburg
Julius Kohn Lauenbach
Elisabeth Kosterlitz Breslau
Günther Kosterlitz Breslau
Selma Kusiel Öhringen
Anna Lampel Vienna
Albert Lang Vienna
Kurt Lang Göppingen
Ruth Lang Süssen
Siegfried Lang Süssen
Irene Lärmer Dornheim
Clothilde Lehmann Fürth
Sally Lemberger Rexingen
Siegmund Leser* Hamburg
Senta Levi Rexingen
Berta Levy Haigerloch
Egon Levy Haigerloch
Lieselotte Levy Fürth
Hilde Löb Hamburg
Irmgard Loewi Erlangen
Marga Loewi Erlangen
Rosa Loewi Dornheim
Hans Sieghert Loszinsky Hamburg
Hans Werner Loszinsky Hamburg
Else Lüders Hamburg
Herbert Mai Würzburg
Gusta Mann Vienna
Victor Marx Baisingen
Alice Meyer Würzburg
Friedel Meyer Bonn
Ruth Nebel
Alfred Nördlinger Stuttgart
Meta Noveck Oberdorf
Hilda Obermann Enkirch
Inge Oppenheimer Aub
Lucie Pergamenter Berlin
Walter Pergamenter Hamburg
Ernestine Pisinger Vienna Survivor’s Recollection of Arrival
Rollf-Peter Radziejewski Coburg
Ludwig Ramsfelder Obbach
Siegfried Ramsfelder Obbach
Hannelise Reinauer Bayreuth
Frieda Reinauer Bayreuth
Helmut Reissner Fürth Video Interview
Gerda Rose Sehnde
Klara Rosenberg Vienna
Alice Rosenrauch Stuttgart
Heinrich Rosenrauch Stuttgart
Betty Rothschild Fürth
Gerti Salomon Rimbach
Oskar Salomon Zell
Welli Scher Odessa
Erich Schloß Würzburg
Anni Schmidt Hamburg
Karl Schnurmann Vienna
Rudolf Schulz Nürnberg
Bertha Schwarz Rexingen
Bertha Seiferheld Hadamar
Ignatz Selling Lehrberg
Käthe Selling Lehrberg
Edith Seufert Offenburg
Karoline Sichel Homburg
Bella Silbermann Nürnberg
Herbert Simon Hamburg
Gertrud Stern Hamburg
Hermann Stern Stuttgart
Karoline Stern Dormitz
Margot Stern Friedberg
Peter Stern Dormitz
Samuel Stern Fürth
Herbert Sturm Burghaslach
Erwin Ullmann
Max Ullmann Haigerloch
Trude Ullmann Pforzheim
Erich Wassermann Würzburg
Alice Weil Tübingen
Margot Weil Kehl
Selma Weil Haigerloch
Margit Wieselmann Vienna
Ludwig Willner Nürnberg
Meta Winkle Hachenburg
Alfred Zeilberger Würzburg
Leonhard Zimmak Pestlin
Harold Reissner’s testimony is a message of human resilience and the present, almost unthinkable outcome of state sponsored hate. My late father’s interview only documents the Jungfernhof deprivations he, his family and so many others experienced. While my father and his family survived this camp, his family were finally starved to death and murdered at other camps or in a sealed railroad boxcar transit - I will never definitively know.
My late brother, Howard Reissner, was passionate in telling our father’s story and is responsible for this release.
—Marc Reissner (2024)
Harold Reissner’s testimony is a message of human resilience and the present, almost unthinkable outcome of state sponsored hate. My late father’s interview only documents the Jungfernhof deprivations he, his family and so many others experienced. While my father and his family survived this camp, his family were finally starved to death and murdered at other camps or in a sealed railroad boxcar transit - I will never definitively know.
My late brother, Howard Reissner, was passionate in telling our father’s story and is responsible for this release.
—Marc Reissner (2024)
*Harold R. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-4425). Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library.