Navigational Guide for Interactive Timeline
and Interactive Map
Explore the interactive tab referencing the interactive timeline and map to learn about the history of the Jungfernhof camp. Each click creates movement between the seven killing sites, revealing how the sites were used to systematically enslave and murder Jewish prisoners over a period of four years.
Every date on the Jungfernhof timeline and the population chart is programmed to provide you with historic information about the camp. Visitors to the site can click on specific dates to achieve four different outcomes listed on this page.
2. Popup boxes appear with content related to specific dates on the timeline, accompanied by symbols and a verification system.
3. Seven color-coded rings appear around each
of the seven killing sites, indicating the different
functions of each site
Deportation destination
Killing – Individual or small group killing
Mass murder
Slave Labor
Sexual violence
4. Five color-coded connectors link actions from population chart to sites on the interactive map.
Mass shooting
Individual or small group killing
1. The two buttons located at top of page activate
Legends – colors applied to the different
groups, rings, and connectors, plus a symbol
and verification system
Zoomed out and Zoomed in maps creating a
geographical context for the Jungfernhof
concentration camp
Plan in progress